Home | Mysterious Places

Mexico's Zone of Silence

Deep in an arid desert region of Mexico lies a little known area that seemingly defies the physics of sound. Known as the Zone of Silence...
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The Legend of Morrow Road

Located in Clay Township, Michigan, old Morrow Road is famous for a horrifying reason....
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Skinwalker Ranch

Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, has been the sight of many paranormal experiences ...
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The Kensington Runestone

"8 Goths and 22 Norwegians on exploration journey from Vinland over the west. We camp by 2 skerries one day journey from this stone....
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A Terrifying Legend is Real?

The high rolling hills and deep valleys of the forested places of Kentucky are serenely beautiful, but these hills have long been rumored to be the dwelling of spirits and strange terrifying beasts....
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The Cursed Rocks of Hawaii

Hawaii is one of the top vacation spots in the world, but tourists need to be careful with the souvenirs they want to bring home....
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The Legendary Land of Lyonesse

The lost land of Lyonesse is often mentioned in British and Cornish folklore. It joins other mysterious places such as Camelot and Avalon in King Arthur legends. ...
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Parallel Universes — Thoughts to Ponder

A lot of research has been done over the last few years over parallel universes. Do alternative dimensions really exist? Are we living in a “universe” or a “multiverse”? Is it possible that the Confederacy won the Civil War in another universe or dimension? ...
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The Mysteries Of The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle sometimes referred to as the Devils Triangle has been a mystery for centuries. It was once thought that traveling in the Bermuda Triangle was deadly because of the strange and mysterious things that happen....
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Did the Garden of Eden Really Exist?

Everyone who is the least bit familiar with the biblical story of the creation is aware of the idyllic setting in which the first man and woman found themselves. By all accounts the Garden of Eden must have been a wonderful place filled with beauty and lush vegetation....
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