Mysteries Of The Giant Skeletons
Giant skeletons have remained a mystery since the early days in the 1800's. One particular finding was in 1965, where an eight foot nine inch skeleton was found in Kentucky under a rock ledge by Holy Creek.
Giant skeletons have remained a mystery since the early days in the 1800's. One particular finding was in 1965, where an eight foot nine inch skeleton was found in Kentucky under a rock ledge by Holy Creek. Although, many of the stories surrounding the giant people are just that, stories, one has to wonder what about the stories that tell of people finding such skeletons. Although the man that found the skeleton in Kentucky reburied the skeleton without showing anyone, we must think for a moment, why are there so many stories where people claim to have found giant skeletons?
The man that claimed to have found the Kentucky skeleton has since died and along with him, the exact location of the giant skeleton. It is not unusual for people to be six or seven feet tall, but eight feet some inches is huge. One can only wonder if people did exist that were considered giant people. If there were giant people, why is it that we do not see anyone of such height today? One has to think about all the mysteries of the world before saying that these skeletons never existed. One has to question the evolution of man and apes before anyone can rule out the possibly of giant people walking the earth so many years ago.
In 1947, a newspaper account of someone finding thirty-two caves with remains of what appeared to be eight to nine feet skeletons resembling a humans remains were found. These caves bordered Arizona, California and Nevada. The skeletons were still wearing what appeared to be skins from some type of animal. The clothes resembled that of pre-historic times. This find was first discovered years earlier by a man who then reported the find to the Smithsonian. The remains were stolen after that conversation and a cover up seem evident.
The Smithsonian was also named for other cover-ups through the years when others reported their own findings. Was it possible that these findings were scooped up by the Smithsonian or did they report the findings to another organization that wanted to keep this information secret? Were there giant people walking the earth many years ago? If so, what made them so big? Why did the giant population disappear from the earth? Why are the accounts of giant people kept relatively quiet? Why is there no word from anyone about the possibly of giant people that once may have walked the earth?
One can only read about the possible findings of the giant people. Someone or some organization has to have the information regarding the findings. They must know what happen to the skeletons that were found so many years ago. If the human race was once giant in size, what happen over the years to cause us to be shorter in size? Is there a connection to human beings today and the giant people from centuries ago? This is one mystery that may never have an answer since the skeletons seem to unavailable for viewing.
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